Hundreds of people, in fact, thronged the street in Dublin on Thursday night, queuing through O’Connell Street, but instead of Halloween parade, which most had expected to happen, the event-after all-proved to be a hoax fed by postings on social media.
As excitement mounted, people lined the streets waiting for the spectacle. Social media posts convinced most of the public to go out in droves since a Halloween parade had apparently been scheduled for the evening.
The event was met with a statement from Gardaí-in Irish, police-that no organized Halloween parade had been confirmed. She appealed to those there to “disperse safely.”.
Among those disillusioned were people like Hashel Thilanka, who bemoaned that there had not been advance word over the validity of the event, and stood in the lines for close to an hour with others who would’ve come if the police would’ve told them it wouldn’t be.
Police wish more care was taken while sharing the news and believing news before something happened.