The Annual Status of Education Report is an annual nationwide survey that tracks the status of schooling and learning in rural India for children. The ASER Centre conducts the report, which tracks enrollment trends, foundational learning outcomes, and educational practices. In the 2024 round, over 650,000 children from more than 600 districts across 26 states and 2 Union Territories were surveyed.

Improvement in Preschool Enrollment
Over 80% of children in the age group of 3 to 5 years are now enrolled in pre-primary institutions, indicating growing awareness about early childhood education.
This is a step forward in making foundational learning available to younger children.

Decline in Underage Enrollment in Class 1
The share of children aged 5 years or below enrolling in Class 1 has declined to an all-time low of 16.7% in 2024.
This is an indication of improved age-norm adherence in school entry and thus consistent with recommendations for proper developmental readiness.

High Enrollment in the 6–14 Age Group
The enrollment rate of children aged 6 to 14 has continuously been above 95% for almost two decades. In 2024, the rate was at 98.1%.
The share of students in government schools is back to the pre-pandemic level and stands at 66.8%.
The rise in enrollment in government schools during the pandemic has been reversed and there is a reverse shift to private schools at 72.9%.

Better Retention for Older Children
Children between 15 and 16 years have witnessed a continuous fall in the percentage of children who are not in school, falling from 13.1% in 2018 to 7.9% in 2024.
This is a promising development in terms of retention of children in higher grades.

Use of Mobile Phones Among Teenagers
More than 82% of students aged 14 to 16 are able to use smartphones effectively.
But this is only with 57%, which shows how digital tools in learning can be better used.

  • “Children studying in a rural classroom in India”
  • “ASER 2024 survey report showcasing educational progress”
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Recovery and Learning Outcomes Growth
ASER 2024 attests to complete recovery from losses due to the pandemic.
The primary grades’ levels of foundational learning have exceeded those before the pandemic, and these students are better equipped in reading and arithmetic.

Enrollment Trends in Higher Education
Among youngsters aged 14 to 18, 86.8% are enrolled in educational institutions.
More than half of these students have chosen the humanities stream, reflecting a shift in academic preferences.

The ASER 2024 report shows significant strides in key educational metrics, especially early childhood enrollment and adherence to age norms and recovery of learning outcomes. However, certain areas like augmenting smartphone usage for schooling and improved persistence into higher education continue to be critical areas. This report is a useful policy tool for policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to engage in addressing barriers and sustaining progress in India’s education system in rural areas.

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