External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar recently spoke about lifestyle lessons at the launch of motivational speaker Shiv Khera’s book Live While You’re Alive. The event, held in Australia three months ago, was a blend of humor and insight as Jaishankar shared some of his personal takeaways and thoughts on how to maintain balance in life, especially under pressure.
Jaishankar’s Six Takeaways from the Book
Jaishankar, the renowned diplomat with a sharp mind and wit, spoke about six personal principles that he believes are essential for a life well-lived. In a post on X, he mentioned these takeaways as follows:
Plan for the Unplanned – He emphasized that one needs to be prepared for the unplanned.
Invest in Relationships – He emphasized the importance of personal and professional relationships.
No Appeasement – Upholding values and holding one’s principles.
No Toxicity – Cultivating a healthy and positive environment without negativism.
Respect Time – Value of time should be handled with utmost care.
Good Night’s Sleep – Resting as an imperative for health and wellness.
3Cs of Success: Contact, Chemistry, and Credibility
Jaishankar also shared his “3 Cs of success” that have guided his career in diplomacy:
Contact: The more people you know, the broader your influence.
Chemistry: Building good relationships and rapport with others makes collaborations smoother.
Credibility: Being reliable and trustworthy ensures that others take your words seriously.
Addressing Stress and Work-Life Balance
Mr. Shiv Khera was speaking on the occasion about how increased stress is becoming a “silent killer,” affecting health and relationships in modern society. An open discussion on the issue of work-life balance was sparked, especially since one really cannot dispute that modern life is taking over by stress.
Jaishankar’s Personal Health Advice
Jaishankar, who has been known to handle the pressures of his political and diplomatic role, also shared how he keeps himself fit. He emphasized that regular exercise is important and that he spends an hour every day either on yoga or competitive sports, which is squash. His lighthearted comment about aging and getting the “entitlement” to give lifestyle advice was a joke that made the audience laugh.
S. Jaishankar Offers Health and Lifestyle Tips at Book Launch
Jaishankar’s advice could be both professional and personal with regard to achieving a balance of life’s demands. His suggestion on fitness, good relationships, and time management all came in so handy, especially for those operating in high-stress environments, but very useful for just about anyone desiring a more healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.